7 tips to get your creative juices flowing
Some say being creative is in your blood; others believe it can be taught. Whether it sounds it or not, Product Development is an extremely creative niche in the industry. We need to constantly be on our toes to create something new and exciting (and of course we always ensure its commercially viable).
So, if you’re a product designer or not, here are some great tips from the Locus team for staying inspired.
Doodle everywhere
Maybe that’s just a habit of mine, but I need just to be able to draw on stuff to get stuff out of my brain. Inspiration can come from the weirdest of shapes and objects that you draw. Maybe dedicate a section of your notebook to doodles only, or have one of those large doodle pads on your desk.
Be a starfish
Stretch out like a starfish first thing when you wake up. Research shows that it tricks your brain into feeling confident and, ermm, big. And hey, it just feels great!
Walk and talk
Seriously. The human brain just seems to think better when walking. There’s something restricting about being locked inside four walls and told to get inspired — so if you want to generate some creative thought, take the time to walk it out. Just make sure to get your notes down on paper as soon as you get back to your desk.

Browse Pinterest
Whenever I need a bit of graphic inspiration it’s my first port of call. There are so many ideas in one place, I can always find something that will spark an idea and get the wheels turning. I use it for design but also for DIY and home decor, kids crafts, wedding planning, cooking… pretty much every aspect of my life. And the best part is, if something catches my eye I can save it for later; if my memory fails me, Pinterest never does 😉
Go barefoot
Honestly, don’t knock it before you try it. There’s something liberating about taking your shoes off when at work – it makes you feel at home. Just make sure you have some easy shoes to slip on if you get surprised by a client! I’ve also heard of people having a pair of office slippers. Trust me. It’s awesome.
Start a handcraft
I’m always making something – knitted, crochet, patchwork, tapestry, loop rungs. Latest effort – beanies for the family (currently in high demand from neighbours) and a knitted jacket for our lamb. Oh, and a mammoth tapestry that took me five years to finish.
Why – like to have a project I can keep chipping away at but doesn’t require too much brain power at the end of a brain-busy day!
Benefits – you can take it anywhere to fill in gaps while you’re waiting for your kids’ sports to finish.
Good music
Just the right album, mix, or station can spur-on a creative train of thought and keep it flowing! Soundcloud is my weapon of choice. I usually go for a bit of chill house, house mix, or The Rock!
– Headphones pic

Hopefully, you’re now on your way to a more creative day! What’s your go-to for sparking inspiration and creativity when you’re lacking?
Want to read more on creativity, design, product development and innovation? Go to our Six Lenses Blog.