Summer Interns are knee deep already.
This week the Locus team welcomed two new members to the crew, Cate Bridgman and Lana Kong. Both have come to Locus as summer interns and will be working on a fascinating project.
For the next 10 weeks, they will be experiencing what we do at Locus, learning the process we go through with any project, being mentored by different members of the team and most importantly getting their hands dirty with real-world problem solving and design thinking.
We look forward to sharing their experience over the upcoming 10 weeks but for now, let’s get to know Cate and Lana a little more.

Cate Bridgman, Tauranga
Where and what do you study?
Christchurch at University of Canterbury, studying Industrial Product Design.
Why did you choose to study in that field?
I’ve always loved creating things and doing projects. Product Design is an awesome combination of creative design, mechanical engineering and business, which really appealed to me.
What you love and hate about design?
I love how design is logical and creative at the same time, basing development and solutions off research. I hate how design can be so hard to put a time on, it can be hard to know how long each part of the design process will take.
What are you looking at getting from this internship?
I am looking to get to know the Locus team, as people in the design industry, and learn from how they approach the design process. I am also looking to gain experience in communicating with clients and responding to a real problem. I also want to get more familiar with CAD, prototyping and other design tools, and integrating them well into a project.
How did you hear about Locus Research?
My Dad showed me the podcast on the UBCO Bike, and in that, they mentioned Locus Research. So I decided to visit them and see what they were about!
What are 3 fun facts about yourself?
- I have a mild addiction to grapefruit fruju’s, but I also can’t stick out my tongue very far which is a tax on my life.
- I like to dabble in mens fashion.
- I love squash, in the peak of my obsession this year I was playing at least 5 times each week.

Lana Kong, Hamilton
Where and what do you study?
Mechanical engineering at University of Waikato (just finished 2nd year)
Why did you choose to study in that field?
I wanted to work in a field related to sustainability such as renewable energy or waste management. Growing up, I felt like those areas needed as much reinforcement as possible and that I had the capability to contribute to that.
What you love and hate about design?
I love the maths and figuring out different ways to do things. My favourite part is when I’m creating the presentation for the stakeholder/project to showcase the final design because I get to see all the parts of the process come together.
I don’t hate anything about design unless I’m under a tight deadline – then I hate lots of things.
What are you looking at getting from this internship?
I don’t have any specific goals. I want to be open to anything that comes my way throughout the internship and use every opportunity as a learning experience.
How did you hear about Locus Research?
Through uni, I looked up the website and decided Locus was definitely a place where I wanted to work.
What are 3 fun facts about yourself?
- I’ve been playing Brazilian drums since I was 13 and got really serious about it when I was 15, I’m the youngest samba director in NZ.
- I used to be a performing belly dancer.
- One of the reasons I read a lot of books is because I fall asleep every time I watch a movie.